Newaukum Grange Plans Programs

Newaukum Grange met for its reular meeting Thursday, November 26, with a very large group of members present and also many visitors. The meeting coming on Thanksgiving was mainly social, with dancing and a supper after the program.

The lecturer had prepared a nice program, including musical nubers and readings; also a very fine talk by Mr. Porter, agricultural teacher at Chehalis Junior high school, who is starting an evening school for all men who are interested in agriculture. The evening set for the first meeting was December 1 at the Newaukum school building.

Many good ideas to promote interest for the literary programs have been sponsored by the worthy lecturer, Mrs. Dahl, who is now planning a program contest. The captains of the two teams are Margaret Wymore and Lorraine Shorey. Each has chosen the team to work with each captain and from all the secrecy of the leaders, one is led to believe there will be some nice surprises for all who hear the program. The contest will be given at the next meeting, which comes on December 10, and all Grange members are welcome to attend.

Source: The Chehalis Bee-Nugget, 4 December 1931, page 20. Microfilm available at Washington State Library, 6880 Capitol Boulevard South, Tumwater, WA. 98512

Transcribed by Kathryn Lester